Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Like flash you cross the mind
Inadvertently, unwittingly
Cardinal as quintessential Soul
Reminisces of my being
Breathing you, guzzling you
Grain by grain, drop by drop
Intoxicates the body
Flusters the mind
And makes pain look

So delectable …

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Snow Clad Hill

White snow clad hill insidiously
Pines to be lustrous diamond,
Oblivious that every dawn and dusk
When virgin rays of Red-yellow Sun
Smack its summit fondly
It shimmers in such radiance,
That even coveted Kohinoor

Wishes to be in its place…

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The Eternal

Isn't it trite to remain eternal?
No red, no yellow, no blue,
No rainbow, no sunshine, no rain
Simply altering the attire
Time in and time out
Pretending to be ignorant
Of your friends and foes
Masking to be unscathed by pain
And not revel in happiness
Flowing like an untamed rivulet
Weathering off, wearing off
With the aim to get chiseled
More polished, more sightly
To form the idle effigy.

Tryst with Light every time
Obliterating all after each episode
Embracing, groping in darkness
Endeavoring again for rendezvous
Recognizing others and yet
Not being able to elicit
Inner voice coaxing all along
Outside seeking for rationale
Coming together by chance and severing
Again together, again going astray
The unending pursuit
The everlasting search
Isn't it trite to remain eternal?

Monday, 16 September 2013

Walking on the Wooden Bridge

Walking on the wooden bridge
I question the wise night air
If the twinkling stars
Around the narcissist moon
Flatter him
Just as humans
Flatter those in power
With false giggles and
Honey coated tongues?

Walking on the wooden bridge
I question drops of rain
If the boastful moon
Pretends not to understand
Just as humans
The false wagging of tails
And servile folded hands?

Walking on the wooden bridge
I question my curious self
If the moon will never
Shove the evil clouds
Just as humans
Their mendacious egos
And will night never drowse?
Will Sun never waken?

Walking on the wooden bridge….

Friday, 13 September 2013


Simmering pain gashing
Through white flesh and heart,
Delirious emptiness pervading
Obdurately refusing to satiate,
In the primeval combat of life
Why does togetherness always succumb?
Why does bestial severance always succeed?

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Hue of Dahlia and Luster of Sun
Gaiety of Stream and Grit of Wind
Purity of Fire and Vivacity of Bud
Mind of Buddha and Reverie of Vivekanand

Altruism of God and Heart of Gold

Monday, 9 September 2013



The fervid Lake looked at the Moon , ‘As I see it inside myself, exact reflection of me on the outside. As if it was I. Breathing the same air, seeing the same temple, walking the same staid. Not bothered of what lay strewn around. Just humming your own song, whistling away the worries of mundane life. Gaze so stark as if you have something on your mind, something that you have decided. Feeling heavy deep inside still not letting it out.’
 The moon looked pensive as he listened. She continued fervently, ‘Ample reasons to hold you back yet letting you go. For I never possessed you for even once. So You shall stay with me forever…’

Monday, 2 September 2013


Permeating alchemy
From Precipice to Notch
From blue yonder to Brine
Stirring Pigeon and Swan
Flurrying hearts
Healing anguish
Fastening all with yarn

Benign hands, gracious spirit