Saturday, 5 January 2013

Roses and Lillies

In the puzzle each block plays a crucial role towards the completion of the whole scenery. It is only when the right block pieces are correctly placed that a final picture can be culminated. One block misplaced and the picture is incomplete. Sometimes mistakenly the block pieces from the other puzzle are placed in the puzzle and the picture though looks complete but somehow something looks out of place. But what happens when we knowingly place the wrong blocks from the other puzzle to make our picture complete? Does it really give us the desired scenery? Why did we even think of using the other blocks in our puzzle? To complete the picture that we initially thought was incomplete? To give a new hue to our picture? To experiment if the new block adds an interesting view? Or we wished to dismantle the other puzzle?
Just like the block pieces, every person or relation plays an important role in completing our Life puzzle. Slowly and intelligently putting the pieces together helps us to get the picture of our choice. But often than not it is witnessed that after the creation of the picture, the creator begins to fret. We foolishly initiate our search to add colour, excitement, adventure to our already perfect picture. This Satanic side of us pushes us hard to believe that there is something lacking in the garden of our scenery. Probably our favourite Rose is getting to lose charm. It does not have the same aroma nor the same tinge of red. We now prefer a White Lilly  than Red Rose. The size of the petals a little larger, no thorns and yes a brilliant new aroma. Now if we choose to change the flower out of our brazenness how can the rose be blamed? We may convince the White Lilly  to be a part of our garden but can this new flower  be blamed? We carry the Red rose on our heart sleeves to make the world feel that we are soulmates. But if that is so why choose the White Lilly  ? Why burn our own castle and arrogantly claim that our own hands will not get burnt. If the Rose is being replaced somewhere in your heart, will your heart not feel the pain one day? And yes, what does the White Lilly  do? It sees the world praising the two of you as Soulmates but deep inside it sympathises with the Rose…..what will happen if the Rose comes to know about the real you? It is so very difficult for it to be a witness to this farce and yet remain silent…
We must understand the role each person plays in our life. Anybody who comes in touch with us has to play some part. This part may be comprehensible to us at times and not so comprehensible at other times. They may play a role that we cant even think in our figment of imagination. May be for us that role does not exist in the very first place…but whatever role they play or we choose to play in others’ lives make sure we don’t take the other person’s place. Lets not dismantle the structure already in place. We must carve our new position if we intend to play a role in their life at all.
The garden that you nurtured with angelic hand,
Does not appeal to you any more,
You tempt a new flower as a friend
But don’t let your Rose get sore…..

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