Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The Ides of March

The gardens all blooming with roses, pansies, marigold of red, pink , purple and yellow, sweet smell of spring in the air, lightness of bright sunshine in the heart. March, the month associated with the advent of spring, an end to the chilling heartless cold and the beginning of the welcoming soothing summers. But why is it that March has never been kind to her? The worst lessons of life always taught during the month. Month is her creator, but for how long does she have to pay that debt?
Only to be called fair and just, you give her choices that are best not given. You force her into saying either yes or no, fully aware that no question can be answered in just either of the two. She knows you are tough, tougher than the rest. And this is exactly what she had waited all her life for, A Hercules, a Phoenix…. If you were not toughest you were not worth the pain. Minuscule gusts of wind could not even ruffle her tresses. She needed a storm to move her indomitable spirit.
Don’t take her as a challenge. You don’t need to defeat her. She is already mutilated, bruised, wounded and vanquished. A speck of dry lifeless sand that was blown towards you by the truant winds. She was thrown in your eyes without her consent. And now you stand there rubbing your eyes sorely to get rid of her forgetting that this will only aggravate your pain. She belongs to the comatose desert and it is where she will recoil herself now. If ever again the winds play a brat and fling her at you, she will make sure that she does not rise above your feet because that is where she longs to be. If she hears about you she will close her ears. If you happen to pass by, she will close her eyes. If you come in her dreams, she will wake up…
The noisy thunder storm woke her up this morning only to make her realize that she had been weeping. Weeping in her sleep? And was the sky weeping with her too? It was raining heavily outside as if the forces had aligned with her in her moment of agony. If the decision was right then why is no one happy? Neither she nor you nor the Skies seem to be at peace? Why so much turbulence?

Oh March, dear March, stomp ahead to the beautiful April waiting with a new world, a new adventure and a new you… Be kind to your heart and gentle to your soul. For my sake, this last one time.

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