Thursday, 19 June 2014

Still As If

Sometimes you have to leave things aside and pretend to ignore them. Not because you want to but because there is nothing much you can do. As if you cant see them, hear them, feel them. As if they can’t see you, hear you, feel you, breathe you, live you. It’s something like a flower. You have had enough of appreciating it’s colour. Now you want to see it in another form. Say become a fragrance, a perfume. And keep faith that when you return your attention to it after a while, you find it in exactly the same form as you expected. As you wanted and hoped. You have to keep faith that time will not disappoint you. That it will get better and not worsen. That you will be greeted with happiness when you go back to the fold, tired, weathered, ruffled, broken and exhausted. In the hope that things have improved. That even with the transformation the perfume still holds the earlier essence of the flower. That you can still connect with the smell. That its fragrance still reminds you of its once deep colour. That it still has the same effect of gratifying your conscious and sub-conscious. That it still appeals to your inner spirit. That it still enslaves your spirit and keeps you yearning for more, more than ever before. That it still makes you forget the mundane and still draws you towards a sublime existence. That it still has the power to introduce you to your once lost self. Like no one else… That you still find your earlier self waiting for you gazing stark into your dry eyes…

As if only you can see it, hear it, feel it. As if only it can see you, hear you, feel you, breathe you, live you….

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